Massage & Bodywork Therapy

Rendon Foy

(pronouns: she/her & they/them)

Massage Therapist, LMBT#18767

Fascination with muscles and bones first drew Rendon to massage therapy, and the wonder of the nervous system - the rhythms and sustained patterns of the body - has continued to expand her understanding of bodywork since she began practicing in February 2020. Rendon has the presence of a true professional and healer. She holds space for you with kindness, compassion, and care, and her work has a gentle, therapeutic quality to it. She combines Myofascial approaches with Swedish and Trager techniques, balancing targeted work with restorative support. She uses a range of pressures in response to the muscle tissues to induce deep relaxation and invite change in the body. Sessions with Rendon give your mind, muscles, and nervous system a true reset.

Client Testimonials…

I asked Rendon for a relaxation massage, and she gave me exactly what I needed. I came in feeling wired up and left like I was floating on a cloud. I felt care, thoughtfulness and intention in her very capable hands.
— L.C.
Euphoric. That is the word that describes how I felt after my session with Rendon. I wanted to target a specific area and left the space very satisfied.
— A.K.
What impresses me about Rendon is her gentle healing hands, her calm and relaxing voice, her checking in throughout the session with the right blend of professionalism, care and compassion. These attributes combined create an experience of deep content. I also enjoyed a full nine hours of sleep the night following my massage.
— B.H.
Amazing experience for my body and mind. Rendon was very informative, and helpful and listened to my needs. You feel the positive energy and relaxation when you walk through the door. I am a customer for life!
— S.P.
Rendon gives an amazing massage! They made sure of my preferences and comfort level prior to getting started. Also checked in with me a few times during the session to make sure I was comfortable. The massage was extremely relaxing and put me into a beautiful state of relaxation. Please go see Rendon!
— M.C.
I saw Rendon for a massage and mentioned that I’d had ongoing ankle pain since an injury in 2016. I don’t know what sort of magic they did, but the pain has been gone ever since!
— R.N.